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Braving the storm
As ‘The Beast from the East’ blew in, it brought difficult adverse weather conditions to Scotland.
5 March 2018
Despite the many challenges we faced our staff were on the streets of Inverclyde to provide much needed assistance to those customers who needed help the most.
• Our Customer Experience team managed to run the 24/7 service contact service from their homes, providing a seamless service;
• Staff were delivering temporary heating by foot;
• Joiners & electricians while having to abandon their vehicles walked in dangerous conditions to carry out essential repairs;
• Our repairs team dealt with 77 emergency call outs;
• Our staff cleared pathways at high-rise blocks, sheltered housing and even roads within snowbound areas;
• Our contractors helped to clear pavements in neighbourhoods;
• More than 500 elderly and vulnerable customers were contacted by phone to ensure they were OK and our staff carried out prescription and errand runs for those customers who needed help.
Chair of the River Clyde Homes Board Albert Henderson MBE said: “There were many stories of individuals lending a helping hand to people within Inverclyde and I very much appreciate everyone’s efforts to not only keep things going as best we could, but for going the extra mile. It was an exceptional effort under what were exceptional circumstances.”