Complaints: How are we doing?

In light of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic we are having to work differently.

Complaint Image

12 November 2020

We already have a high demand for our service and inevitably there has been an ongoing impact from Covid-19 on how long things take. 

However, we are working hard to continue to provide a high-level of service and are continuing to resolve any complaints. 

Our phone lines are busier than usual.  

You can call us on 0800 013 2196 for free, 24/7.  

Alternatively, you can email us at: 

Try to avoid sending us post unless you’re unable to contact us in any other way. We have limited access to our office, so processing mail is taking longer than usual. 

Please bear with us, we'll be in touch as soon as we can.  

When we receive your complaint, we aim to provide you with a response within 5 working days.  

If you are unhappy with the response provided at this stage, we will move your complaint on to our second stage (stage 2) and provide you with a response within 20 working days.  

We aim to respond to your complaint quickly. However, if it is evident we need to investigate your complaint further, we may move your complaint to a stage 2 complaint in the first instance. If we do this, we will always inform you of this change.  


Breakdown of results 

Between 1st April and 30th September 2020, we received 143 complaints. They were upheld as follows: 




Out of 143 complaints received, 112 were responded to within timescale.  


Although our services have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have continued to work hard to provide an effective complaints service. We will continue to work within our current Scottish Government guidance and strive to provide the best possible outcome within timescales during this current climate.  

If something does go wrong or you are dissatisfied with our service in any way, please let us know on 0800 013 2196 at any time.