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Customer survey underway
4 June 2018
River Clyde Homes is committed to involving customers in the monitoring and improvement of its services. We have commissioned an independent research company, with 20 years’ experience, called Research Resource, to carry out a sample survey of residents’ views. The aim of the survey is to identify the opinions of customers about their homes and the services provided by the Inverclyde based housing association.
All tenants and factored owners have received a letter informing them that they may receive a visit from a representative to ask a series of questions. The survey is already underway and Research Resource will be visiting a large sample of around 1,170 tenants and 330 owner occupiers, who receive a factoring service, during June.
Elizabeth Grant, a River Clyde Homes Board member, said: “Not everyone who got a letter will receive a visit but River Clyde Homes hopes customers will agree to take part in the survey if asked; as the results will provide important information to help shape our services in the future.”
Interviewers who visit homes will carry personal identification at all times and this will be shown at the start along with a letter of authorisation from the housing association. The interview will be entirely confidential and no-one from River Clyde Homes will see the individual answers. Research Resource will, at the end of the survey, provide an independent report of the total findings and the results will be published later this summer.
Anyone requiring further information about the customer survey should contact Customer Experience Team on 0800 0132 196 who are available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.