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Note of the Annual General Meeting 2022
RCH Group held its first ‘in-person’ AGM since 2019 at the Clyde View office on Tuesday 20th September 2022
6 October 2022
At the AGM, attendees heard about some of the achievements within the RCH Group in the past year including confirmation of completion of the RCH new build programme at St Stephen’s in Port Glasgow which has added 224 new homes to our stock and the positive impact of opening Inverclyde’s first dementia friendly homes. Confirmation was also given that RCH recently received national accreditation for Customer Service Excellence and whilst it was acknowledged that we can always do more, this accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing excellent service for our customers.
The membership was also advised of the continued growth of our subsidiary company and the recent appointment of seven apprentices all of whom are from the Inverclyde area and this is therefore an excellent example of how we are investing in the future of our local communities by creating employment opportunities.
The challenges faced by the RCH Group were discussed and, in particular, the pandemic and supply chain challenges which have both had an impact on the progress of our repairs and capital works. Appreciation of customers’ understanding and patience as we continue to work through our backlog of repairs and investment was acknowledged.
Concern regarding the cost of living crisis was recognised and assurance was given that RCH understands the role that we, as a social landlord, have to play in helping our customers and communities. In a physical sense, we need to ensure that our homes meet the requisite standards of energy efficiency. This goes some way to help mitigate fuel poverty and our investment programme is aligned with this aim. But in a practical way, we continue to support and help customers by offering financial advice and pointing them in the direction of help. Our advice magazine, ‘Money Talks’, which was sent to all customers, was well received and replicated across the sector.
The membership also heard from the External Auditor who gave a positive report and confirmed a clean audit for the Group. The Financial Statements for River Clyde Homes and Home Fix Scotland were considered and approved.
The appointment of members to the RCH Group Board saw the re-appointment of John Quinn and Gillian McLees. Customer Board members, Heike Noack and Ellis Barilli were also formally appointed along with a new community member, Stephen Black.
Jillian Moffat, Chair of RCH Group Board said “RCH Group has continued to build, develop and grow over the last 12 months. The completion of the five-year new build programme is a significant landmark and we have a programme to futureproof our older stock to improve energy efficiency.
“We aim to carry on improving our services, giving support to those who need us most and providing value for money across our estate in everything we do.
“The last couple of years have been challenging for everyone but we are seeing a return to a more normal service provision. We have learned a lot and I believe that RCH Group is well placed to face any further challenges that come our way.”
Richard Turnock, RCH Group Chief Executive said: “Despite operating under difficult and unprecedented circumstances during the pandemic, the response by everyone at RCH Group has been resolute. Our staff have been unwavering in their desire to deliver continuity of service. I would like to thank all of our customers for their patience and understanding while we manage any service disruption.
“We recognise that RCH Group plays an important role in helping our communities thrive, especially during difficult economic times. We will ensure that our service delivery evolves and is responsive to the current cost of living crisis while continuing further investment across our stock.”