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Review of the Allocations Policy
We're reviewing our allocations policy. What do you think?
15 January 2019
We have been asking customers and partners to help shape the way our homes are allocated in the future.The policy is being reviewed to ensure that our stock is used to help meet housing needs in the most effective way.
Phase one has now been completed successfully and we would like to thank the many people who took the time to participate.
Phase two is now underway to reflect the forthcoming changes introduced by the Scottish Government and we are asking that people take a few minutes to review the summary policy and take part in the brief survey
We are keen to hear the views of existing tenants who have bid on a house recently, people on our waiting list and those who work in a role which supports people to apply for housing.
This survey is open until Thursday 31 January 2019 after which your feedback will be used to confirm the future policy.