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About Us

River Clyde Homes is a ‘not for profit’ affordable housing provider. We own and manage over 5,800 homes and provide factoring services to a further 2,200 homes in the Inverclyde area.

As a not-for-profit housing organisation, River Clyde Homes has established a clear value base, identity and purpose to ensure that the wider community is aware of what we stand for and how we will contribute to the revitalisation of Inverclyde.

Our vision and values underpin everything we do and have guided our current five year Business Plan (2014/19): Quality, Affordability and Excellence.

We produce an annual report for tenants that gives detailed information on our performance and looks forward to what we plan to do in the coming year.

River Clyde Homes is run by a Board of non executive or independent directors who combine their skills and experience to help make the best decisions for the homes we provide and the services that we deliver.

The senior management team is led by Richard Turnock, Chief Executive, who is supported by four executive directors.

Working In Neighbourhoods (WIN) is a unique initiative involving River Clyde Homes staff being given two days a year to get involved in local voluntary projects.

At RCH we procure a diverse range of goods, works and services which represent significant opportunities for a variety of organisations across the business sector.

As individials and as an organisation we strive to be the best in everything we do. Find out more about our awards and accolades.

As one of the largest social housing providers in Scotland we offer a range of opportunities focused on delivering excellent services to our customers.