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Group Audit and Risk Committee
The Committee has been established to consider the work and outputs of the external and internal audit functions and the overall risk environment of the RCH Group of companies. The Committee oversees auditing responsibilities, financial management and ensures effective risk monitoring and management. It provides the RCH and HFS Boards with assurance that there is a systematic review of internal controls and financial reporting and that key risks are being identified and managed.
Members are:
- Tom Ferrier (Chair)
- John Quinn
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Vera Karaba
Group Remuneration and Nominations Committee
The Committee has been established to advise the RCH Board and HFS Board on the succession, recruitment, induction and training of Board and Committee Members and to manage the Boards’ recruitment process. The Committee also acts as a staffing committee with delegated authority to consider appeals and grievances and take appropriate action.
Members are:
- Gillian McLees
- Chris Curley
- Charles Thompson
- Heike Noack
- Ellis Barilli
- Graeme Brooks
- Stephen Black
Social Landlord Operations Committee
The Committee has been established to agree any customer facing strategy and policy. The Committee oversees performance and service standards for customers and provides assurance to the RCH Board of legislative and regulatory compliance in respect of housing, property and tenancy matters.
Members are:
- Gillian McLees
- Tom Ferrier
- John Quinn