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Getting to know you
Learning more about you will help us gain a better understanding of who you are and enable us to plan and improve our services to you.
To help us to improve our knowledge you may be asked to participate in surveys from time to time. We are aware that you may have some questions about these surveys therefore we have prepared the following frequently asked questions section below.
Q. Why are we collecting information from our customers?
A. We recognise that different customers have different needs. We want to meet those needs, but we can only do that if we know what they are. For example, some customers might have difficulty understanding the letters we send them. You may have a visual impairment, or English might not be you first language and we might need to send you documents in large print or another language, or you may just prefer us to send you an email instead. When we come to carry out a repair, you may need more time to get to your door, if we know about this, we can make sure the operative has this information and allows more time for you to answer.
Q. Why do we need to know your religion and sexual orientation?
A. We want to make sure we and our contractors are treating all our customers fairly and equally. To do this we need to know who are customers are so that we can compare the services different types of people use and what they think of them.
Q. How are we going to use this information?
A. We will be looking at how different groups of people use our services and how happy they are with them. For example, when we do satisfaction surveys we will compare satisfaction among different groups to make sure everyone is equally happy with our services.
Q. Are we going to share this information with other organisations?
A. We will only share your answers with our partners where it will help us to deliver improved services. We will not pass them on to any other organisations.
Q. What should you do if you have any further questions?
A. If you still have questions about the survey or form please call 01475 788887 or e-mail us at contact@riverclydehomes.org.uk