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Money Talks Magazine
A money advice magazine for those who need it most
Our 'Money Talks' magazine is the essential guide to your finances, designed to help you through these challenging times, particularly if you receive benefits.
To help you get started we have produced two editions of our magazine to suit the stage of life that you are at.
- Read our Money Talks Magazine HERE
The Welfare Reform Act 2012 introduced major changes to the social welfare system. Some changes affect only social housing tenants, while others affect all benefit claimants. What is clear is that the Act is having a massive impact on customers who claim benefits, their landlords and the range of agencies who provide money and benefits advice.
‘Money Talks’ provides practical information and suggestions to help customers to deal with the changes brought by Universal Credit. It also looks at the practical services and support that River Clyde Homes provides to its customers for financial inclusion.
To ensure that our customers were best prepared for the changes, River Clyde Homes made contact with over 1000 people who were identified as being at risk from the changes.
Stephen McCabe, Inverclyde Welfare and Financial Inclusion Champion, said: “Feedback for Money Talks has very positive, so we wanted to remind customers of the impact of the reforms. If we haven’t already spoken to you about the changes, it’s important that you read the Money Talks magazine to find out if you could be affected by Welfare Reforms. It contains a lot of useful information that could be of benefit to you.”
He added: “If I have one message at this time for customers, it’s that we want to help you, so please talk to us.”
Got a question? Contact one of our dedicated team on 01475 788887 for free and impartial advice.