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Retirement Housing
River Clyde Homes manages 5600 homes and is the factor to 2500 homeowners. In the coming year we intend to spend £17m on further improving lives and places in Inverclyde.
This year will see the completion of the regeneration of Broomhill in Greenock. The £26m investment has seen all homes modernised, a new heating system installed and the buildings transformed with insulated cladding. In the coming months the foyers to the three multi-storeys will be upgraded and environmental works will begin.
One of the blocks, at Broomhill Court, has been designated as retirement housing. Retirement housing provides an enhanced housing management service to older people who require assistance to live independently, ultimately, enabling elderly residents to feel safer and more secure within their home.
Services on offer will include; a retirement housing co-ordinator on site to look after the block, increased CCTV, a call point in the foyer, guestroom facilities and a garden with seating areas.
Albert Henderson MBE, Chair of the River Clyde Homes Board, said of the project; “This initiative has proved to be popular with customers and, since October, 24 new residents have moved into Broomhill Court. It has become increasingly clear in recent years that a demand exists for secure housing with level access that offers support while valuing residents’ independence. The retirement housing initiative aims to meet that demand and ensure a sustainable future for the building.”
There are still some modernised apartments to let, all fully carpeted and freshly decorated.
To find out more; contact 0800 013 2196.
Or you can register your interest