Universal Credit

Universal Credit is now live in Inverclyde. 

Universal Credit is the new way of claiming benefits for working age claimants. No new claims are being accepted from working age claimants for

  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment & Support Allowance (income related)
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit

There are many differences between Universal Credit and other benefits:

  • Most people will apply online.
  • You will receive just one monthly payment paid into a bank account.
  • Support with rent, known as housing costs (formerly your Housing Benefit) will be paid directly to you as part of your monthly payment.

You will be responsible for paying your rent to your landlord.

Not only can you find useful articles and videos at the Money Advice Service website but also on Page 10 of our Money Talks magazine available here.

You can find useful articles and videos at the Money Advice Service website

It is important that you keep us informed if you have any changes to your income by contacting our Welfare Benefits Officers.  You may still be affected by ‘Bedroom Tax’ if you claim Universal Credit. If so, you can apply for Discretionary Housing payments to cover this shortfall.

Be aware that when you apply for Universal Credit you must also make a separate application for Council Tax Reduction. 

Our Financial Wellbeing Officers can support you with all aspects of Universal Credit and can answer any questions you may have. Contact your Housing Officer, our Customer Experience Team on 01475 788887 or complete our online form.