Young People

RCH Group invest in our young people and we have a Young Person Working Group to help to improve attraction, development and retention of Young People in the workplace. RCH also have been awarded the Investors in Young People (IIYP) Platinum Accreditation and with HFS.

We're hosting an OPEN DOORS EVENT on Wednesday 6th March - get in touch to find out more!


What we have accomplished for IIYP so far:

  • Part of the Young Persons Guarantee
  • Committed to Developing the Young Workforce
  • Employability Initiatives
  • Careers Brochure
  • Metaskills gamified through Kahoot
  • Improved processes through Young Person feedback
  • Young Person WIN Day
  • Career Mentors starting training within RCH Group in June!
  • Apprenticeship Week - See what we got up to!

Who are the IIYP working group?

  • Connor Bruce - Customer Experience Officer
  • Ben Knox - Customer Experience Officer
  • Tasmin Mackie - HR Adviser
  • Erin Kane - Information Compliance Officer
  • Craig MacGillivray - ICT Support Officer
  • Lauren Monaghan - Admin Assistant
  • Jordyn McAllister - Modern Apprenticeship Business & Administration Assistant
  • Connor Walsh - Apprentice Joiner
  • Kyle Bradley - Joiner
  • Andrew Bonham – Surveyor/Project Co-ordinator
  • Ross Watt – Modern Apprentice Digital Application Support
  • Mia Smith – Modern Apprentice Customer Experience & Business Administration
  • Niamh Docherty – Modern Apprentice Business & Administration Assistant
  • Aidan Armstrong – Apprentice Plasterer
  • William Armstrong – Trade Support Operative

Fair Working at RCH Group

Fair work is work that offers all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect. It balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers. It generates benefits for individuals, organisations and society. Please see some examples below of how our young people feel they resonate with the fair working practices:


FAIR OPPORTUNITY "I joined River Clyde Homes through a ‘Future Jobs’ programme run by the Inverclyde Community Development Trust. During my time at RCH, I was given a ‘buddy’, who taught me everything I needed to know as well as provide assistance when required. I had regular 1-to-1s with my line manager who supported me in ensuring I was getting the most out of this opportunity and I was successful in gaining a full-time position at RCH."
EFFECTIVE VOICE: "I attend a team meeting every week with my line manager and fellow colleagues in the creditors team and I feel that this is a good opportunity for me to air any issues I may have and I know that these issues will be listened to and more than likely resolved by my line manager or fellow colleagues."
SECURITY: "With regards to the ‘Security’ fair working practice, I personally feel this is met by the RCH group. I have been on a permanent contract now for around 5 years and this gives me peace of mind and security with my home life (mortgage etc). I was approved for flexible working hours when I returned from maternity leave last year, this was to help with the cost or nursery fees and also to spend time with my son, this been a great option for me."
FULFILLING: "The variety of work that I have been able to pursue has been fantastic, allowing me to experience different skills along the way through a variety of projects. My opinion is always heard as well as being given the opportunity to take lead and input some of my knowledge onto others. Initially I did a 6 month intern position for River Clyde Homes and gained full time employment, I have been given the opportunity to progress not just personally but also in my career."
RESPECT: "I feel am treated with the same respect as my fellow colleagues throughout the business. This is demonstrated when I attend meetings no matter what level of management. I feel my opinion is sought from colleagues, on a daily basis in line with my qualifications and experience. I also feel my opinion in regards to feedback and structure of the business is also valued.  I also appreciate the flexibility in regards to workload that is shown to me."

"I’m allowed to provide feedback on how I think sessions could be optimised more to my learning style and my team always make sure I understand what is being said. I am able to approach my team leader and discuss anything that’s on my mind, even if that happens to be a difficult conversation. This allows me to have a fair opportunity to voice my opinions and feelings."