Paying your rent & charges

You can pay by any of the following methods:

  • On-line using TIPS or Allpay website;
  • Set up a Direct Debit or standing order from your bank or building society account. 
  • Telephone our Customer Experience Team on 01475 788887
  • In person at any Post Office or Paypoint outlet.  You can find your local paypoint 
  • By post to River Clyde Homes and paying by cheque.

Remember to make your rent payment a priority as you could lose your home if you do not make regular rent and other payments as agreed within your tenancy agreement.

If you are in financial difficulty and worried about making your rent or other payments, don’t ignore it, contact our Financial Wellbeing Team 

Pay by Direct Debit

Direct Debit

The simplest way to pay your rent is by Direct Debit. This offers you greater choice allowing you to pay your rent any day of the week. It allows you to set-up a Direct Debit by phone and with options to pay at a time that suits you. If you choose Direct Debit you will be safeguarded with:

  • an immediate money back guarantee from your bank in the event of an error in the payment of your Direct Debit;
  • advance notice if the date or amount changes and
  • the right to cancel at any time.

To take advantage of this service please contact our Customer Experience team on  01475 788887.

Pay online

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Payments can be made via the Allpay website. You will need to have both your debit/credit card and your account swipe card handy when making payments online. 


Pay by phone

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Call us on 01475 788887. Have your debit/credit card details to hand as well as your customer reference and invoice number. Payments are accepted 24 hours a day, seven days a week.