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Permission to reside
You must let us know if someone moves in with you
The tenancy agreement requires tenants to provide their landlord with an accurate record of the members of their household at the address stated. It is a condition of the tenancy agreement that the tenant must update their landlord immediately of any changes to their household information. We call this seeking ‘permission for persons to reside’ at the house.
As outlined at section two of the tenancy agreement, tenants are entitled to have a member of their family living with them as long at this does not lead to overcrowding. Overcrowding will be assessed using the criteria outlined in our Allocation Policy.
River Clyde Homes will want to check the details tenants provide for the prevention of tenancy fraud. If the tenant has not confirmed, in writing, all of their household members, this will affect any later application to change the tenancy details, apply for assignation or succession to tenancy
River Clyde Homes can take up to 28 days to make a decision and tell the tenant of the outcome but will only refuse permission if it is reasonable to do so.