Sheltered Housing


Sheltered Housing provides a safe secure environment with housing support provided by a warden on duty five days a week, Monday to Friday. In addition, we currently employ Bield as our external call handlers who cover 24 hours per day 7 days per week for our service users.

As a resident of Sheltered Housing, you can be supported to live independently and encouraged to take part in activities throughout our Sheltered complexes and keep active within your community. Our Wardens will continually monitor the needs of residents through regular Personal Planning and will signpost to other services locally where required.   

We work closely with Inverclyde HSCP and will liaise with them when required on your behalf. Should you require a personal alarm unit River Clyde Homes will provide this. Your alarm unit will plug into your phone line and the Warden will programme this to suit your needs. For this or to access the Inverclyde Responders service, a referral form (see below) should be completed by your healthcare professional, such as Social Worker or Homecare, and sent to  

We have seven Sheltered Housing complexes:             

  • Broadstone Gardens          
  • John Galt House                
  • John Galt Extension    
  • Stewart House            
  • Seafield House                       
  • Riverside Gardens      
  • Bagatelle Court 

In order to access Sheltered Housing applicants are required to have a medical need which falls into one of the following categories: 

Critical - Hospitalised or delayed discharge; dangerous to occupy current home. 

Urgent - Condition seriously aggravated. 

What can I expect from Sheltered Housing? 



We are regulated and inspected by the Care Inspectorate and comply with the Scottish Social Service Council (SSSC) who is a workforce regulator.  Our staff are fully trained in line with the Occupational Standards to ensure safeguarding of all service users.

The SSSC code of practice sets out the standards our employees must meet including training, continuous professional development and registration.

The Care Inspectorate's publication Unhappy about a Care Service details the steps to take if you have concerns about one of our sheltered housing complexes.


This referral form should be completed by any Health and Social Care professional when referring any RCH Sheltered tenant for Telecare and/or Inverclyde Responders service. Please email this upon completion to